<p>EGG TART Dapoer Mas Dzaka<br>The egg tart is a kind of custard tart found in Cantonese cuisine derived from the English custard tart and Portuguese pastel de nata<br>Ingredients ; Flour, butter, sugar, egg, custard, milk.<br></p><p>Pesan sekarang via bukapo.net</p>
EGG TART Dapoer Mas Dzaka
<p>EGG TART Dapoer Mas Dzaka<br>The egg tart is a kind of custard tart found in Cantonese cuisine derived from the English custard tart and Portuguese pastel de nata<br>Ingredients ; Flour, butter, sugar, egg, custard, milk.<br></p><p>Pesan sekarang via bukapo.net</p>
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